Welcome to iWitnessed --> iRemember! iWitnessed --> iRemember wants teenagers today to have a chance to meet the teenagers who fought and won World War II. Dedicated to honoring and carrying forward the ideals and experiences of America's Greatest Generation, iWitnessed --> iRemember hosts events, ceremonies and provides a wealth of materials for organizations across the United States who are interested in being inspired by the legacy of these American heroes.
iWitnessed --> iRemember was delighted to dedicate the first Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Garden Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts with the presence of many real-life Rosie the Riveters, Girl Scouts, Daughters of the American Revolution, veterans, congressmen, CEOs, and active-duty servicemembers. Additionally, iWiRe just helped host the first ever Chantilly Thanks! A Salute to Our Veterans performance. Want more photos? Click here!
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