Enigma Machine Only: Use the enigma machine to code and decode messages. This program simulates an Enigma machine used by the Germans during World War II. The code was broken by the Allied Forces during the War.
This encryptor uses four rotors. The rotors are set to the secret key that corresponds to the key used to encrypt (or decrypt a message). It is important when decrypting messages to start with the correct key and decrypt sequentially. You will notice that the key will automatically change as the message goes on, so as to make it more difficult for someone to decode the entire message.
To use the machine, first set your key using the rotors. The left and right arrows toggle between the four rotors. The up and down arrows adjust the letter associated with the rotor. Then type your message on your keyboard. With each key you hit, the corresponding cipher (coded) key will light up on the top keyboard. Record each letter in order to generate your ciphertext.
To decrypt the ciphertext, reset the rotors to the same key and type in the ciphertext just like you typed in the plain text. The Enigma was designed such that it can encode and decode using the same process.